
Flashback February

Join us for a special February open house as part of Flashback February. Discover the spirits of Prince Edward County’s military history and beyond – from Loyalist settlers after the American Revolution, the Hessians, World War I memorabilia to our exclusive collection of Victoria Cross recipient profiles.

On February 19, volunteers will be available from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. to showcase 7th Town’s military collections and help visitors interested in exploring the spirits of their past.

Names database updated

The popular Names database has been given a good spring cleaning and includes thousands of new entries (now at 1.2 million records) and (we think) faster search response time.

If you haven’t looked up a name lately, time to give it another try.





Land record books

50,000 new land records added

Over 50 thousand additional land records have been added to our online index. The new records cover Madoc Township and the City of Belleville. This brings the total number of indexed Hastings County land records to over 200,000!