Large group of men

Hundreds of mystery men

We often discover photos that are all the more intriguing because they are accompanied by little or no information. Here’s an opportunity to help us out if you have some idea of:

  • The location – the building to the right may be a clue – where was this taken?
  • Who this group are  – part of a business, alumni, etc.
  • The occasion – a reunion or anniversary?

Help us preserve the historical value of this photograph.  Drop a comment on this post if you think you can provide any identifying information.

Large group of men

Hundreds of men gathered outside a building – what was the occasion?

Congregation of Mountain View Church

Mountain View Wesley United Church

A remarkable photo showing the congregation of Mountain View Wesley Church.

Left to right, back row, standing:
Virgil Thompson, – Spencer, Earl Anderson, George Anderson, George Jinks, Clement Frederick, Clark Sprung, Grace Sprung, Mrs. Ed. Hubbs, Mrs. Howard Anderson, Hazel Titus, Mrs. Wilford Potter, Adaline Sprague, Byron Frederick, Lillian Sprague, Lawrence Sprague, Charles Wood, Ira Pymer, Joshua Dodd,  Howard Anderson Alfred Post, Walter Pymer, John Tice.

Middle row:
Fred Lauder, Irene Thompson, Mrs. H.J. Parliament, Mrs. Walter Pymer, Mrs. Ira Pymer, Mrs. Gregg Titus, Mrs. Frank Lauder, Henry Jason Parliament, Mrs. James R Anderson, Mrs.Lawrence Sprague, Mrs. Clayton Sprung, Mrs. Gilford Stafford.

Front Row:
Mrs. Richard Van Wart, Mrs. Charles Wood, Mrs. George Anderson, Rae Eveleigh, Henry Hubbs, Gilford Stafford, Lily Anderson, Elizabeth Potter, Ruth Pymer, Percy Parliament, Hartford Parliament, Arthur Morris.