Congregation of Mountain View Church

Mountain View Wesley United Church

A remarkable photo showing the congregation of Mountain View Wesley Church.

Left to right, back row, standing:
Virgil Thompson, – Spencer, Earl Anderson, George Anderson, George Jinks, Clement Frederick, Clark Sprung, Grace Sprung, Mrs. Ed. Hubbs, Mrs. Howard Anderson, Hazel Titus, Mrs. Wilford Potter, Adaline Sprague, Byron Frederick, Lillian Sprague, Lawrence Sprague, Charles Wood, Ira Pymer, Joshua Dodd,  Howard Anderson Alfred Post, Walter Pymer, John Tice.

Middle row:
Fred Lauder, Irene Thompson, Mrs. H.J. Parliament, Mrs. Walter Pymer, Mrs. Ira Pymer, Mrs. Gregg Titus, Mrs. Frank Lauder, Henry Jason Parliament, Mrs. James R Anderson, Mrs.Lawrence Sprague, Mrs. Clayton Sprung, Mrs. Gilford Stafford.

Front Row:
Mrs. Richard Van Wart, Mrs. Charles Wood, Mrs. George Anderson, Rae Eveleigh, Henry Hubbs, Gilford Stafford, Lily Anderson, Elizabeth Potter, Ruth Pymer, Percy Parliament, Hartford Parliament, Arthur Morris.

From our archives: The Nautical Heritage of Ameliasburgh

by Robert B. Townsend

The waters that surround Ameliasburgh always provided that feeling of coming into a world of wonders. seen in the magic of Quinte from the end of the ancient Carrying Place trail, or from Massasauga Point and Big Bay, there is a magic that bathes the ridges, marshes and headlands of the bay for 100 miles. there is little wharfage or cribbing because it is all natural harbour. Between the homes, large and small, the shores are richly wooded or are ripe in harvest.

With its extensive shoreline on three sides (Lake Ontario, The Bay of Quinte from Twelve O’Clock Point to Massasauga Point, and Big Bay) Ameliasburgh Township/Seventh Town (now Ward Four) is very much a part of the nautical history of Ontario.

In the old days every reach on the bay shores of Ameliasburgh had its wharves and warehouses, and the farmers teamed in their barley crops and shot them into the schooners’ holds, sometimes by the shovelful, sometimes by wheelbarrow, sometimes through square chutes built out from the warehouse as at Rednersville, sometimes by troughs formed by the vessel’s own sails, stripped for the purpose and stretched up the high bank.

It was a grand place in barley days, that is before the U.S. government passed the McKinley Act which put a stop to the import of barley from Canada. It was a time when the County of Prince Edward waxed rich on the appetite of Oswego breweries for the best waterborne barley in the world.

In the days of sailing vessels there was a brisk, homely, local trade along the bay shores of Ameliasburgh. Little scows and schooners loaded wherever they could, often from the very farm where the grain was grown, and carried it down the smooth bay reaches to Kingston, for transshipment in larger schooners to Oswego, across the lake, or in barges to Montreal.

Wellers Bay on the western side of Ameliasburgh, with its difficult entrance from Lake Ontario, is cut off from the lake by a long sandbar and an island. It was hard to get into the bay because of the narrow shifting channel and no piers, but there was good shelter and water enough to float a large schooner. The Carrying Place landing, where all traffic used to cross on a wooden railway into the Bay of Quinte, was four miles from Consecon.

Consecon, with its hotels, stores and vibrant population, was a major shipping port for grain in the 19th centure, some of the grain being shipped arriving by way of smaller boats coming down Lake Consecon. After the building of the Prince Edward Railway the port was used for the shipment of ore from the mines of north Hastings County.

We enjoy telling the story of how the schooner Two Brothers scampered through the crooked passage of Bald Head and on down to Wellers Bay to a small dock in Consecon. That dock was cribbing about 20 feet wide built out into the Bay about 200 feet. It was a ticklish landing with the wind blowing hard onto the little dock, but Captain McCrimmon knew his vessel and the Two Brothers handled well; right after dinner loading commenced.

And that was a hard job for the crew. the schooner had to be held to the small crib with a westerly gale blowing for three days and three nights, while 9,000 bushels of barley were trundled out to her in little cars holding 25 to 100 bushels each. The crew had to trim the grain in the hold, and between times carried fence posts from a nearby farm to make fenders, for the Two Brothers was tearing her whiskers out ramping on the dock in the five-mile sweep of the wind across Consecon Bay.

At last she was loaded, and the wind lulled and came so that the sleepless crew had to get her out while the going was good. They were misinformed about the depth of the water and stuck on the mud of Bald Head for four hours heaving through with a line run out to the kedge anchor ahead. the Brothers loaded to nine feet. the wind was foul for Oswego, so when they got out of Wellers Bay they ran across to Presqu’ile and into Brighton Bay in the hopes of a night’s sleep–which they did not get. the long cold trip to Oswego is another story.

Profits were not high in those days of the sailing schooners. The Two Brothers’ owners would have received about six cents a bushel for what turned out to be a long and dangerous lat fall voyage. out of that amount would be paid wages, food bills, and tow charges at Oswego where the grain was destined, and for the general maintenance of the vessel and sails.

Late season sailing was part and parcel of commercial sailing. It was the time to get the grain to market. The loss of the Ida Walker, the Belle Sheridan, the Queen of the Lakes or the Garibaldi, or several other vessels that went ashore at Wellers Bay are tragedies that still stir the imagination. There are many other interesting stories that need to be recorded.

And Ameliasburgh had a ship building industry. The tine hamlet of Rednersville is situated on the south shore of the most westerly arm of the Bay of Quinte about half way between Rossmore and the Carrying Place. During the days of sail, Rednersville was an important bay port, playing host to steamers plying the waters from Picton to Trenton and for the commercial sailing vessels to pick up the local cops for market at Kingston and Oswego. It was also where a couple of large sailing vessels were built. The Anna Maria was built at Rednersville by B. Roblin in 1850. She was 66.50 feet long, 15.20 beam and registered at 59 tons. Also built at Rednersville was the much larger Jessie Conger of 149 tons register; she was build by E. Beaupre.

In winter the extensive shoreline of Ameliasburgh freezes over, its shores high and low mantled with snow, its waters a firm pavement. In the old days more teaming was done on the Bay of Quinte than on the roads which paralleled it. The bay was more level and less drifted. Now in winter it is snowmobiles, fishing huts and cross-country skiers. In summer it is a sailor’s delight.

In all seasons, the story of our nautical heritage must be handed down to future generations.

The steamer Brockville at the Rednersville dock circa 1900.

This article was originally published in the March 2001

edition of Quinte KIN.

Students and teachers in front of Victoria School

From our archives: Back to the days of readin’ writin’ and ‘rithmetic

A short history of Victoria School

School Section #8, Ameliasburgh

by Nellie Montgomery

Victoria was known as Bush’s in the 1800s and the school as Bush’s School. It was 1897 before a church was built; as that year was the Diamond Jubilee of Queen Victoria, it was named Victoria Church. Soon, the neighbourhood too became known by that name.

The first school was built in 1836; it was a frame building. The location is thought to have been on the Weese Sideroad. When it ceased to serve as a school the building was moved dto the foot of the McIntyre Hill where it was used as a drive-house for many years.

The 1855 report of the Superintendent of Schools gives the following information: Teacher in 1855 – Peter Stoneburgh; Number of pupils – 57 (30 boys and 27 girls); school was open for six months and one day in 1855.

From 1867 to 1870 the teacher was Henry Jason Parliament. He organized a Sunday School in 1867 in the school house. Church was also held in the school building. The first year he taught school at Bush’s, Mr. Parliament recalled that a wagon drove up to the school house one morning with four men in it, all armed with guns; several dogs followed the wagon. The men asked him to go with them to kill a bear which was over in the woods about a half mile away. Mr Parliament told them he would be delighted to go, but his contract with the trustees did not include bear hunting. They went on without him, but were back about an hour later with a large bear, dead, in the wagon.

Mr. Parliament boarded around, one week in one home then on to another. He said it was a first-class picnic for him, eating the bountiful meals provided for him by the kind-hearted mothers in the homes of this section. He received a salary of $300 per year and paid $1.50 per week to board.

In April of 1879, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sager donated one half-acre of land on the northeast corner of Lot 88, Concession 2, Ameliasburgh on which a brick school was erected. It was the same size as the present structure and very similar as to windows and front door, but the ceiling was lower.

It as heated by a large wood-burning box stove. Scholars sat in iron-frame double desks. some of these desks are now in the Ameliasburgh Museum. this school was used until 1904 when it became unsafe and torn down.

Mrs. Morton Weese in 1894 received $275; out of her salary she was expected to pay the janitor, who was one of the older boys at school. He built the fires for about $1.50 per month. Mrs. Weese recalled giving the school a good cleaning every Friday in preparation for church in the school on Sunday.

In 1904 the present frame school building was erected. Water always had to be carried from a nearby home. In 1927 a well was drilled but the water was salty. In 1930 the school was painted inside and out, reroofed, had the foundation plastered, new toilets and cement sidewalks built. Hydro was not installed until 1945.

When Victoria School was closed in 1966, it was purchased by Harmon Montgomery.

Victoria School

Victoria School building in later years (likely 1990s)

Ed. note: Victoria School still stands at the corner of Gore Road and Weese Road a few miles north of Ameliasburgh. It appears the building is presently used to house livestock.

Cover photograph taken in 1922.
Back row: Joe Foley, clarence Vanclief, Orval Taft, Roy Brickman, Harry Knox, Haviland Hubbs, Harold Wannamaker, Gerald Brickman, Gerald Pope, Clayton Wannamaker, Harmon Montgomery, John Badgley, Teacher Jim Grimmon, Geraldine Weese, alice Hubbs, Gladys Knox, Evelyn Montgomery, Irma Wannamaker, and vivian Green.
Front row: Bill Knox, Ernie Butchie, Ralph Henessey, Leslie Pope, Jack Delong, Madeline Butchie, Margaret Knox, Evelyn Calnan, Kathleen Montgomery and Florence Hubbs.

This article was originally published in the June 2000 edition of Quinte KIN.