Over 50 thousand additional land records have been added to our online index. The new records cover Madoc Township and the City of Belleville. This brings the total number of indexed Hastings County land records to over 200,000!
Author Archive: MAGRC Staff
Myra Crook collection
We have recently acquired the Myra Crook collection consisting of several binders of genealogies of the Salisbury, Weese, Crook, Brown and Butts families.
Mountain View Wesley United Church
A remarkable photo showing the congregation of Mountain View Wesley Church.
Left to right, back row, standing:
Virgil Thompson, – Spencer, Earl Anderson, George Anderson, George Jinks, Clement Frederick, Clark Sprung, Grace Sprung, Mrs. Ed. Hubbs, Mrs. Howard Anderson, Hazel Titus, Mrs. Wilford Potter, Adaline Sprague, Byron Frederick, Lillian Sprague, Lawrence Sprague, Charles Wood, Ira Pymer, Joshua Dodd, Howard Anderson Alfred Post, Walter Pymer, John Tice.
Middle row:
Fred Lauder, Irene Thompson, Mrs. H.J. Parliament, Mrs. Walter Pymer, Mrs. Ira Pymer, Mrs. Gregg Titus, Mrs. Frank Lauder, Henry Jason Parliament, Mrs. James R Anderson, Mrs.Lawrence Sprague, Mrs. Clayton Sprung, Mrs. Gilford Stafford.
Front Row:
Mrs. Richard Van Wart, Mrs. Charles Wood, Mrs. George Anderson, Rae Eveleigh, Henry Hubbs, Gilford Stafford, Lily Anderson, Elizabeth Potter, Ruth Pymer, Percy Parliament, Hartford Parliament, Arthur Morris.