group of people shooting video

Help us create a history hub in Ameliasburgh

The McDougall Family Fund contest will be awarding three prizes worth a total of $10,000 to local charities, non-profit organizations or community projects. The community will vote who the winners will be.

We have entered a submission entitled “Creating the Ameliasburgh History Hub” and we hope you will support us. Ameliasburgh was once a vibrant and bustling village. We believe that by establishing a Heritage Hub that showcases its many heritage assets we can create a destination concept devoted to heritage and history. By pooling our resources, developing new products and experiences, and marketing the Hub, we can overcome challenges with funding and volunteer recruitment/retention – and awaken broader interest in our area’s rich history.

Vote for our project by May 31.

Click on the link below to view and vote for our submission.

Posted in 7th Town news.